Monday, May 31, 2010

Week in review 5-23-2010 to 5-31-2010

Monday: games (dungeon lords?)
Tuesday: ...?
Wed: games in so much noise it's unfathomable
Fri: a long, weird day which we fixed by eating cake and ice cream.
Saturday: we lazed around the house and caught up on TV and then played our new copy of Arkham Horror.
Sunday: through the ages with our friend, Joe. I made regular, chocolate chip and jasmine pancakes for breakfast (recipe follows) and Christian made steak and scalloped potatoes for a late lunch. There were also cookies and ice cream!
Monday (Today): So far, ping pong and avoiding cleaning the tremendous pile of dishes we amassed when cooking yesterday.

Sunday's Pancakes:

1 Cup all-purpose flour
1 Cup bread flour
1/3 Cup white sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp salt
1/8 tsp(ish) nutmeg
1/4 tsp(ish) ginger
1/3 tsp(ish) cinnamon
1 egg
2 egg whites
½ cup 2% milk
½ cup natural apple juice
4 tsp canola oil
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp rum

Whisk flour, sugar, salt, spices baking powder and baking soda in a large bowl.
In another bowl lightly beat egg and egg whites, and then add milk, apple juice, oil, rum and vanilla. Make a well in the center of flour mixture and add wet ingredients. Stir with a whisk until smooth.

For each pancake, scoop 1/4 cup of batter on to a hot griddle or nonstick skillet sprayed with cooking spray or covered in melted butter (spray is healthier, but butter helps minimize burning and it tastes yummy). If desire, Add chocolate chips right after putting the pancake batter in the pan.
Turn pancakes when bubbles appear and edges are cooked, after about 1 1/2 minutes. Cook for 1 minute on second side.

In addition to normal and chocolate chip, I made jasmine pancakes. I added some more ginger, some cardamom and some jasmine essence (maybe 1/8 tsp) to the batter and they were lovely. Jasmine essence is a surprisingly tasty and ingredient in things like cupcakes and pancakes,but you have to use it sparingly.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Week in review 5-18 to 5-23-10

Tues - Dinner With a friend and art class at daniel day!
Wed - housecleaning. bleh. Although, the peanut butter and local honey sammich was almost worth coming home instead of gaming.
Thurs through Sunday - ATLANTA GAME FEST! I played so many games, got so little sleep, met so many nice people and had so much fun it's not even fathomable. I played about 21 games (some of them more than once), 13 or so of which were completely new to me. Played so many I couldn't possibly go into details without this being a 15 page post, but my personal favorites of the weekend were Havana, Cyclades, Golden City, Hansa Teutonica, and, of course, Catacombs and Space Alert.
Also, we got to play a couple of prototypes by the creator of Arkham Horror, AND he was so gracious as to sign the copy of Arkham horror that we bought this weekend.
Oh, and I didn't mention the Thai food. It was so good, we went there twice in one weekend! They even gave hubby complimentary ice cream when the food was so hot it burned his mouth.

Monday, May 17, 2010

week 5-11-2010 to 5-17-2010

-I don't remember how the rest of last Tuesday went, so i guess it was fine.
-Wed was games at new york pizza again. We played lots of dominion alchemy and then decided we were exhausted and came home early
-Thursday um, I don't know. It was a busy week.
-Friday we rested briefly.
-Saturday we helped our friend Joe move and got free Baha Burger out of the deal.
-Sunday was ArtyParty (a fundraiser for the ASO I work at) ! Chris stayed home because he strained his back while moving. I went and did my best to help make sense of the chaos. It was great fun, there was birthday cake and sweet potato fries and even a chocolate fountain! and, oh, art. Including some art made by me! The art was awesome and there were sooo may people! We raised a lot of money.
-Today is monday and i missed a Dr's appt, worked, and played some SPACE ALERT (in a coffee shop with a blender going off periodically)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The week in review 5-2-10 to 5-11-10

Umm.. oh yes, Last monday was gaming at Joe muggs per usual. I played "for sale" and... something else i don't remember.

Tuesday was art class at Daniel Day Gallery
wherein I made a lovely, abstract painting.

Wed was Games at New York Pizza in Homewood. I had the park avenue pizza with extra gorgonzola (don't order that unless you really mean it) and we played chinatown and... something else.

Thursday was interesting but everyone who knows me is tired of hearing me whine about it :).

Friday we actually hung out at the house and I worked on a custom jewelry piece for someone.

Saturday and Sunday we spent with my parents and mother-in-law in huntsville and had a great time. We even squeezed in some gamingwith friends. We played catacombs, dixit and corsari.

Monday again was gaming at Joe muggs. I played agricola and catacombs again. Chrisbroke the shrink wrap on our copy of mystery express. I had a fantabulous caramel brownie.

It's tuesday morning and I have done laundry, played DDR with handweights andam about to finish getting ready for work. See you next week.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The week in review 4-25-10 to 5-2-10

The whole point of this blog is to keep family and friends up on what's going on with me.
so, I'll try to start posting these on a halfway regular basis.

The Week in review:
Sun-Tues I was sick and did nothing but whine about being sick and eat skinny cows to soothe my throat.

For the moment, I have quit pilates and dance (time and money have been issues lately), so I did not attend any movement classes and i was too sick to do more than about 5-10 mins of stretching at home every day.

Thurs was dining out for life, which benefited our sister agency, AIDs AL, but I forgot to go.

Friday, I led a "staff development day" for work at the Botanical Gardens. I brought my Husband and some of my other experienced gamer friends and acquaintances (Joe, tony and Sarah) in to help me teach the staff board games. We played Pandemic and then, after a great lunch provided by Mitch at Medtown, Tony from the Gamealogical Institute came in and led us in the GI Gaming Triathlon followed by a brief discussion of how the games we played relate to our lives at BAO. Feedback from all was very positive, everyone said they had a great time, and we gave away some great prizes including copies of scarabs and scorpions, "fickle finger of fate" spinners donated by Joe and these adorable notebooks from a talented artisan on etsy.

Friday night, I was cranky and stressed because I had spent the better part of the morning lost and because it was my beloved co-worker, Ashley's last day, so I went to the thrift store and bought some new jeans, a dress for arty party, and some other random things and felt much better.

Saturday, I spent crazy amounts of time, and silly amounts of money buying supplies to make rings and work on other jewelry projects. I visited Michael of Cosmic Folklore at his work bench at The Bead Biz in Helena and he showed me some progress on a project he has been working on. Saturday night, Chris and I played Dungeon Lords.

The plan for today is to go get lunch and then play ping pong at bumpernets.

That's all for today. See you next week maybe?