Friday, July 22, 2011


Ummm from April to now, what significant has happened?

I still nanny for two awesome kids. I am still applying for more "career" oriented jobs, just to keep my options open, but if nothing comes along, I wouldn't be heartbroken. I LOVE nanny-ing, my stress is much lower, my back pain is often better (go figure), and apparently, I'm actually good because the parents love me and even recommended me to someone else.

I now attend a Zumba class at a nearby studio. It's not the same as the dance classes I'm used to, but it's lots of fun, great exercise, very close to the house, inexpensive and the teacher is a 5'4" ball of party energy. I miss the more traditional/technical dance classes I'm used to, but seriously the instructor rocks, and plus that, I have a friend who I wouldn't normally see very often that comes with me most of the time.

I have laid low on the local craft/vendor fairs since the beginning of June because my body just can't handle the heat.

Yesterday, I got my hair done by my good friend Zaque. A couple months ago he started the appointment with "I want to cut your hair really short..." to which I said "It's a good time for it. Alabama summers suck." and we ended up with almost a pixie in the back with some length still in the front. This time, we didn't change much, just cleaned it up a little. Here's the end result:

It's piece-y, messy, asymmetrical, and uber-cute. I totally love it.

And no, your eyes are not malfunctioning, I am wearing makeup in this picture. I still don't wear it often, but, I found an awesome tutorial on pin-up makeup that I was able to tone down for regular wear. Sadly, it's no longer online so I can't link you to it, but if I ever come across something similar I will...
Anyways, where I was going with that is that I was looking at the pin-up makeup tutorial because the dress I had for Arty Party was very retro. Yes, I attended arty party even though I don't work at BAO anymore. Arty Party was and still is one of my favorite events of the year, and the money goes for a great cause. So, I went, and had a blast, and the best part was, I didn't have to help check out guests or load stuff into a truck afterward. Maybe next year I can be helpful and volunteer-y and stuff, but this year, I just wanted to go and enjoy myself (and I totally did).
So um, that's my rambling, chronologically jumbled update for the last couple of months. see you back, umm whenever I feel like wasting time blogging instead of doing housework ;)

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